Group 160 NTRAK is a modular model railroad club with members in Los Angeles, Kern, and Ventura Counties of Southern California. We display and operate our layouts six or seven times a year throughout these counties.
Group 160 welcomes all those who wish to participate in the enjoyable hobby of N-Scale model railroading, watching real trains, talking about trains, and just about anything train related. Owning a module is not a requirement and anyone who wishes to operate trains is just as welcome to join. We even offer Youth membership to those between 12 & 18 years of age.
Group 160’s layouts are modular in nature and adhere to the NTRAK and T-TRAK standards. The Main theme of Group 160’s NTRAK modules depicts the Pacific Northwest lumber industry. The club owns four corner modules, a small town, an animated tornado & fireworks factory, a yard, and an access bridge to the inside of the layout. The remainder of the layout modules are owned by members of the club. Members’ modules express a broad range of interests including: small towns & industries, orange groves and fruit packing, a gorge, and even the English countryside.
In 2021 the Club incorporated T-TRAK modules as an alternative to the larger NTRAK modules to help promote entry into the Club for new members who may not have the space or means to transport the larger modules. Group 160’s T-TRAK modules follow no specific theme. T-TRAK is a great way for new modelers to get into the hobby of model railroading.
Please check the Club Schedule below for information on upcoming displays. If you see us at a show or event, please stop by and say “Hello”. We might even let you drive a train or two.
Group 160 is proud to be an NRail Super Club.
Group 160 is a 100% National Model Railroad Association (NMRA) Club.
Founded in 1993 by George Johnsen and others interested in N-Scale model railroading, the idea was to bring together modelers who enjoyed N-Scale model railroading but who had little or no room for a home layout, or those who had home layouts but wanted to run long trains. They also hoped to spread the word about the hobby of model railroading. Group 160’s layouts are modular in nature and adhere to the NTRAK 2000 standard. In 2021, T-TRAK modules were added to the club. T-TRAK modules are an inexpensive and fun way to be involved in N-Scale model railroading and follows the concept of introducing people to the hobby.
Los Angeles Union Station TrainFestival2023: A Celebration of Past, Present & Future September 9 & 10 2023 10 AM - 6 PM Los Angeles, CA. This is a FREE event for all ages! No tickets required! Lomita Railroad Museum Community Days 23 September 2023 11 AM - 4 PM Lomita, CA.
Golden Empire Train Show March 2 2024 10 AM - 5 PM March 3 2024 10 AM - 4 PM Bakersfield, CA.
If you are interested in hosting Group 160 at your location or event, please contact us for additional information.
Our monthly organizational meetings are held on the 2nd Thursday of the month.
Meetings are currently being held via ZOOM.
Please email us for meeting information.
If you are interested in joining our club, or if you are interested in hosting Group 160 at your location or event, please contact us for additional information.
Contact us at
Group 160 NTRAK is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization